Fresque tous RSE

The "fresque tous RSE" (all CSR fresco) is a tool developed by the Lab SNCF Impact. This two hours workshop is a tool to raise awareness towards global stakes (environnemental and social), and to help teams create their CSR action plan.


The "fresque tous RSE" is a workshop built to help employees build a CSR action plan. 

Through three steps, they learn more about the global stakes of our planet, through environnemental and social challenges. The tool aims to raise awareness and empower people by giving them examples of actions they can do in their organisation.

The co-construction of the “all CSR fresco” takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Global stakes : environnemental and social challenges. This step is about visualizing biodiversity and climate challenges, and linking them to the great social inequalities that are embeded in our human society. 
  2. Systemic view of society and CSR. This step is about showing the links between public authorities, organisations, and individual citizens. Visualizing these links emphasizes the responsability that falls into each scale of society.
  3. Corporate actions. This step is about showing the employees what is already happening in their organisation. The goal is to encourage them to take action in their team, and to build a stronger transition network throughout the whole organisation. 


The “Tous RSE fresco” was created by Lab SNCF Impact and mobilized among SNCF staff

  • 1400people have participated in the workshop so far (since 2023)

Team & Partners

Lab SNCF Impact


If you want more information or to book a workshop with us, you can contact Delphine Léger at