
All team members and partners share the same values: Benevolence, Curiosity, Futurism and Rigor.

More about our value:

  • Benevolence: we work closely together to take advantage of all intelligences and sensitivities. We want our lab to be a benevolent space[1].
  • Curiosity: we want to find new synergies with academic, industrial, associative, public and private organizations. Following the philosopher of science Anne-Françoise Schmid’s concept of under-determination[2][3], we import elements from scientific disciplines to support new theoretical insights in design. This is how we put the in-discipline of design into practice![4]
  • Futurism: We are resolutely focused on the future that we want to build[5][6][7][8]. We are interested in the challenges of our contemporary world and we want to do some research that will matter for the future. We are also a school, and we are driven by the questions asked by our students!
  • Rigor: our goal is to contribute to international research in transition design and systemic design with a focus on material cultures and designing operations.

[1]Belin (2015), [2]Chrysos & Gentès (2019), [3]Schmid (1998), [4]Gentes (2017)[5]Agazzi (2012), [6]Amar (2013), [7]Bryant & Knight (2019), [8]Schmid & Mambrini-Doudet (2019)


We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers and experts, all convinced of the importance of moving towards a sustainable transition.


Our partnerships, whether academic or with experts in the field (from independent designers to members of major groups) are multi-disciplinary, multi-domain and multi-faceted.