
Our research produces interdisciplinary viewpoints on transition design.

Discover the programs

Our types of contributions

  • Empirical  : we analyze design and decision-making cultures of actors in transition.
  • Corpus oriented : we analyze the semio-technical characteristics and properties of media for design, mediation and decision-making.
  • Experimental :  we prototype, test, and evaluate alternative solutions that meet the needs of stakeholders in relation to their cultures.
  • Theorerical: we bring in media studies to consolidate design theory.
  1. 6 publications 2024

  2. 7 publications 2023

  3. 4 publications 2022

  4. 4 publications 2021

  5. 5 publications 2020

  6. 18 publications 2019

Multimodal human machine interactions in virtual and augmented reality

Multimodal Signals : Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues : COST Action 2102 and euCognition International School Vietri sul Mare, Italy, April 21-26, 2008 Revised Selected and Invited Papers, 5398, Springer-Verlag, pp.1 - 23, 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-642-00524-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-00525-1_1⟩

RFID technology : fostering human interactions

GET 2009 : IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies , Jun 2009, Carvoeiro, Algarve, Portugal. pp.67 - 74

Multimodal human machine interaction in virtual reality

Speech and Face to Face Communication 2008 : A workshop/Summer school dedicated to the memory of Christian Benoît, Oct 2008, Grenoble, France

ÉCRITURES EN LIGNE: PRATIQUES ET COMMUNAUTÉS. Sous la dir de Brigitte Chapelain. (485 p.)

Université de Rennes 2, 486p., 2002