Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls one or several avatars and usually receives feedback from the virtual world on an audio-visual display. Ideally, all senses should be used to feel fully embedded in a virtual world. Sound, vision and sometimes touch are the available modalities
Jean Bernard, Gérard Chollet, Annie Gentes, Patrick Horain, Catherine Pelachaud, et al.. Multimodal human machine interaction in virtual reality. Speech and Face to Face Communication 2008 : A workshop/Summer school dedicated to the memory of Christian Benoît, Oct 2008, Grenoble, France. ⟨hal-01396599⟩ (lien externe)
Bernard, J., Chollet, G., Gentes, A., Horain, P., Pelachaud, C., Zhou, D., & Zouari, L. (2008). Multimodal human machine interaction in virtual reality.
Bernard, Jean, et al. Multimodal Human Machine Interaction in Virtual Reality. Oct. 2008,
Bernard, Jean, Gérard Chollet, Annie Gentes, Patrick Horain, Catherine Pelachaud, Dianle Zhou, and Leila Zouari. 2008. “Multimodal Human Machine Interaction in Virtual Reality.”
Bernard, J. et al. (2008) “Multimodal human machine interaction in virtual reality.” Available at:
BERNARD, Jean, CHOLLET, Gérard, GENTES, Annie, HORAIN, Patrick, PELACHAUD, Catherine, ZHOU, Dianle and ZOUARI, Leila, 2008. Multimodal human machine interaction in virtual reality [en ligne]. October 2008. Disponible à l'adresse :