Research chair: Decision design

We want to invent the tools and instruments that will support creative and fair decision-making processes

About the Chair

The Decision Design Chair brings together:

    • Economic and social players: private companies, public institutions, co-op, associations and insurance companies with heterogeneous decision-making processes. The partners want to develop tools that will enable them to make fairer, more sustainable, more agile and more creative decisions;
    • a multi-disciplinary research team interested in the theory of social choice, the analysis of platform strategies, the study of decision-making cultures and the analysis of their mediums. Our aim is to create a dynamic between disciplines - an in-discipline of design[1] - to co-construct theories, methods and tools for research and design in the service of sustainability and justice;
    • Designers and developers ready to apply ideas and incorporate hypotheses into prototypes that will enable us to propose a "tool box" for decision design.

      We work within the paradigm of "intervention research (external link)"[2], which supports public and private operational projects.

      Our mission

      Design practices  have  developed within the relatively homogeneous framework of business. All methodologies - from industrial design to design thinking - have been conceived for and by organizations that produce artifacts and services meanwhile following a certain decision-making process. However, ecological and social crises are forcing organizations to rethink their strategies, and in particular their capacity for adaptation, invention, improvisation and coalition. To cope, companies need to cooperate with new players (citizens, local authorities, associations, cooperatives, States). Design is therefore faced with new decision-making and legitimization processes within organizations (CSR, mission-driven companies) and between organizations (innovation platforms) that radically change how it operates.

      We need to create formats for visualization, communication and mediation, as well as tools and instruments for governance and activity monitoring, to support decision-making processes and turn them into a creative process.

      We want to train new designers in the challenges of sustainable decision-making and give them the means to design the tools, interfaces and visualizations that will support these decisions.


      [1]Gentès (2017), [2]Perez (2008)

      Productions and audiences of the Chair

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