
    Anthony Ferretti

    Independent interface designer - Co-founder of Praticable & Collectif Bam

    Annie Gentes

    Annie Gentes is professor of Information and communication sciences and design. She is the director of research of CY School of Design, CY University.

    Stephanie Hemon

    Stéphanie Hémon is a design researcher currently working on her PhD in the Transition design lab at CY École de Design. Her thesis focuses on territorial design.

    Delphine Leger

    Delphine Leger is a designer and PhD Student at Transition design lab, studying organisations’ transitions towards sustainable ecosystems at the SNCF Lab impact.

    Giulia Marcocchia

    Giulia Marcocchia is associate professor in Management Sciences.
    She holds the "Junior Professor Chair" in Design and Management

    Pauline Oger

    Pauline Oger is a PhD student and designer for inclusive transition. In collaboration with Signes de sens' organization, she studies how can design create, equip and accompany communities towards inclusive transition.

    Eva Ohayon

    Eva is a PhD student and designer working on design methods for sustainable transitions.

    Justine Peneau

    Justine Peneau is a post-doctoral researcher at the Transition design lab of CY Design School.

    Jean-Louis Soubret

    Jean-Louis Soubret is an associate professor and associate researcher in Information and Communication Sciences.