Stephanie Hemon

Stéphanie Hémon is a design researcher currently working on her PhD in the Transition design lab at CY École de Design. Her thesis focuses on territorial design.

Open image

Since 2007, Stéphanie has been working on space and service design projects. In 2017, she went freelance and specialized in co-design to support territories in innovating through design while fostering collaboration between stakeholders. In 2022, she begins a self-financed thesis in Design and Information and Communication Sciences, aiming to better understand the role of design and designers in the “making” of territories.

Thesis summary

Co-designing territories: a new type of public intervention?

Participatory design, or co-design, is now being applied to design and innovation activities on a territorial scale. Our thesis seeks to analyze the role of design and designers in this emerging field of study and practice. We want to understand why design is called upon by territories, and how it contributes to mobilizing stakeholders, ensuring their alignment and transforming temporally limited participation into long-term commitment.

Key-words: Territories ; Co-design ; Values ; Communities ; Commitment