Pauline Oger

Pauline Oger is a PhD student and designer for inclusive transition. In collaboration with Signes de sens' organization, she studies how can design create, equip and accompany communities towards inclusive transition.

Throughout her design studies, Pauline developed a sensory, sensitive and reflective approach, focused on human needs. Her various projects have led her to question the prejudices associated with disability, and to ask herself how we can better design by and with disabled people. Today, she is experimenting with codesign methodologies for the transition to a more inclusive society: in the fields of culture, medico-social care, public policy and transport.

Thesis summary

Codesigning inclusive transitions: how can design create, equip and accompany communities towards inclusive transition?

This thesis studies the co-design of the inclusive transition, relative to disability, through the experimentation of inclusive participative design tools and methods initiated by one of the main players in this transition: Signes de sens. It examines especially how the ecosystem of players can be engaged -by suggesting the notion of community of codesign for the inclusive transition-, and the mediums that enable a “shared culture” and a projection towards a desirable future.

Key words : codesign; inclusion; disability; transition design; community