Jean-Louis Soubret

Jean-Louis Soubret is an associate professor and associate researcher in Information and Communication Sciences.

Jean-Louis Soubret holds a PhD in Information and Communication Science and teaches Design at CY Tech, the engineering school of CY University. His research primarily addresses knowledge design (i.e. both the design of knowledge and the knowledge of design), phygital publishing systems and transmedia storytelling. Before he jumped over on the academic side of the fence, he had been an academic publisher for over 20 years. As such, and in continuity with his more recent capacity as a researcher, he has been focused on innovations in book and journal publishing. He has worked along, and is still cooperating with, professionals, entrepreneurs, digital humanists and designers.

Research activities

Edistart’up is a new professional education program for publishing entrepreneurs. It is jointly operated by vocational training institute Asfored and innovation platform Labo de l’édition. My research is both about the design of Edistart’up as a program and on the characteristics of the projects that the would-be entrepreneurs are working on.

Research expertise

  • Knowledge design
  • Phygital publishing systems
  • Transmedia storytelling

Latest publications

Version 0. Notes sur le livre numérique

CRC en écritures numériques; Codicille éditeur, 2018, 978-2-924446-11-9
View all publications by Jean-Louis Soubret